2 min

How to use vermicompost in plants

Vermicompost is one of the best quality organic fertilizers. Which is carried by a special species of earthworm. The feces left by eating cow dung and green rot earthworms is called vermicompost. Vermicompost contains only the quality food a plant needs to produce good flowers or fruit. Which is the balanced food of the tree.

Benefits of vermicompost

To get the benefits of vermicompost, you must know how to use vermicompost. Since vermicompost is not a chemical fertilizer it takes a little longer to reap its benefits. We can see the change within a few days of applying chemical fertilizers to the plants. In the same way, when the quality of that chemical fertilizer is lost in the soil, within a few days the plant also loses its own power. But this phenomenon does not occur with vermicompost application.

If we use vermicompost on plants in the right way then its benefits are immense. I would urge those gardeners who have used chemical fertilizers in the past to try to replace as much of the soil as possible. Some growers can see the benefits of using vermicompost on new plants. Vermicompost For flower plants mix half soil and half vermicompost. Then care should be taken not to give too much water to the plant. If you give too much water to the plant, the vermicompost will be washed away. In this way the tree should be observed for forty-five to forty-eight days. Then you will see the benefits of vermicompost. Add vermicompost to the tub but do not add any other fertilizers. Then you don't understand tree change. It may also happen that if you use any other fertilizer then the plant may get damaged.

All the plants that have winter flowers can be planted with vermicompost after preparing the soil beforehand. Then one of those trees can flower up to three times in a season.
